Flash! Has Amazon dropped wireless and VAT surcharge on free books?

Flash! Has Amazon dropped wireless and VAT surcharge on free books?

You know when I post about free books from the Kindle store how I make a point that the books are free in the US and may not be free other places?

The situation has been that EU Kindleers have been paying something like $2.50 for those…supposedly because of Value Added Tax and wireless charges, something like that. 

Now, one of my readers, draegi, tells me that at least some of the books are actually free (I think in the UK) that weren’t before.

Outside of the US?  Check it for me…and snatch them up, in case this is only temporary.

This post by Bufo Calvin originally appeared in the I Love My Kindle blog.

4 Responses to “Flash! Has Amazon dropped wireless and VAT surcharge on free books?”

  1. Bpbill Says:

    Being a UK reader of your blog I tend to let your Freebie posts wash straight over my head due to the fact they arent free to me. However having read this article I went to look at the last two you mentioned, Daughter of Joy was $12.50 not free but not $2.50 either but amazingly Strings attached was $0.00. I even purchased it just to make sure.

    This opens up a whole new world of convenience and choice to me, I’m actually stunned at how much difference it could make. Let’s hope it stays the same.

    • bufocalvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Bpbill!

      Yes, I hope this is an official change. I read lots of free books…mostly public domain, but I do usually get the other freebies in case someone else on my account wants to read them at some point. The main book I’m reading right now is a promotional freebie. 🙂

  2. Ezh_shatun Says:

    Hi Bufo,

    That’s great news indeed. For the first time here in Germany I was able to get the book completely free, confirmation email says $0.00. Just three days ago the charge for wireless delivery of free book was $2.30. Hope wireless delivery to EU will stay free.

    • bufocalvin Says:

      Excellent, Ezh!

      Always happy to hear from my EU correspondent. 🙂

      I’d order up, in case it changes.

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