Flash! Software manual update 2.5.7 available for K2s and DXs

Flash! Software manual update 2.5.7 available for K2s and DXs

Amazon has released a new software update for the Kindle 2 and the Kindle DX (both US and international versions of each, and the DX Graphite):

Kindle Update page

You don’t need to do anything at this point.  It appears to improve performance, rather than offer new features.  I’m seeing things in the community that it is helping stabilize Collections (which tended to disappear sometimes requiring deregistering and re-registering to get them back), and to more reliably update the Kindle when files are deleted from


Eventually, this should be sent out wirelessly to your Kindle.  In that case, you won’t have to do anything.  It may cause the Kindle to restart spontaneously. 

One thing about that: if it restarts, it may look like you have lost your books and that there are zero books in your archive.  If that happens, do

Home-Menu-Sync & Check for Items

If you want to get it manually, here is the basic process (the instructions are also on the above page)

1. Identify what kind of Kindle you have.  You can tell by the start of the serial number, which is on the back of the affected devices

2. Go to the above-referenced page on your computer

3. Download the appropriate file

4. “Sideload” the file to your Kindle, using your included USB cable.  Note: do not put it in the Document file, just put it in the Kindle at the same level as the folders.  That’s called the “root”.  Give it time to finish

5. “Safely eject” the Kindle from the computer and disconnect

6. Home-Menu-Settings-Menu-Update Your Kindle

Give it several minutes to complete the process…I’m seeing reports of as high as close to ten minutes.

You can check to see if it has been installed afterwards by going to Home-Menu-Settings, and looking at the bottom of the screen.  It should start with 2.5.7.

You should be able to jump to this update even if you are at a lower version (like 2.5.3) on an appropriate Kindle.

Note: if you have installed a “hack” (to give yourself custom fonts or custom sleep mode pictures), that may certainly mess up this process.  You should uninstall it first.  I do not recommend the hacks because they violate your Terms of Service with Amazon.

If you do choose to install it, please consider commenting here afterwards to let me (and other folks) know what you notice as changes.

This post by Bufo Calvin originally appeared in the I Love My Kindle blog.

7 Responses to “Flash! Software manual update 2.5.7 available for K2s and DXs”

  1. Willard Cushman Says:

    Cannot get the “Update Your Kindle” Setting to become active. The Update Kindle 2.5.7.B003.bin file is in my Kindle 2’s root directory but no joy.

  2. Janice Hewes Says:

    Update 2.5.7 took about 10 minutes. Note to you & Amazon Kindle Update staff: No need to remove jackets; Serial No. on page 2 of settings.

    • bufocalvin Says:

      Thank for writing, Janice!

      I think that only became true as of the 2.5 update, and I thought people might have earlier versions…that’s something I was seeing in the comunity.

  3. Rebecca Says:

    I really enjoy reading your blog on my Kindle. Thanks for all the pointer and cool freebies!

    [link removed]

  4. Barbara Says:

    I did the update. It did seem to take the 10 minutes. The only thing I noticed was that 6 or 7 of my books were not in their “Collection”. In looking them over, it looked like those were books that I picked up while I was in the United States and had changed my “County” from Canada to the US (Hey, I was staying with my daughter – so I figured that counted!). Anyway, the books were easily placed back into their appropriate collections. I can’t speak to any performance improvement because my K2 was fine before the update.

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