Got a new Kindle? Here’s the most important thing to know

Got a new Kindle? Here’s the most important thing to know

Important note: in 2014, this situation changed on some models with the Kindle “Family Library” feature. For more information, see About Family Library help page (at AmazonSmile: benefit a non-profit of your choice by shopping*)


You may be one of literally millions of people who are the proud owners of a new Kindle today. 🙂

If you’re like me, you’ll come to love your Kindle…and you’ll have questions about it, too.

In this post, I’m going to to talk about the key point to understanding  ownnig any Kindle.

For more information for new owners from previous years, see this category.

There’s No Accounting for…Accounts

I get lots of questions (which I love, by the way) and see even more other places, and the idea of how your Kindle relates to an Amazon account may be one of the biggest sources of confusion.

When you buy (or are given) a Kindle, that’s a piece of hardware. It’s kind of cool even by itself. However, it’s using it with Amazon that really makes it come alive. You can think of it like…sitting in a new car in the dealer’s showroom, or taking it out on the road.

In this case, an Amazon account is the road…it’s that whole wide world of experiences you can have with your Kindle. Now, to be clear, it’s hypothetically possible to use a Kindle without an Amazon account…you can get and use books (and music and such) from other sources, but I would guess it’s a tiny, tiny amount of people that do it that way. A Kindle is designed to be used with Amazon.

So, the first thing is to get your Kindle registered to an Amazon account, and to understand that it’s really that account that’s important. Oh, I get attached to my individual Kindles (after all, this blog isn’t called, “I Love My Kindle Account”) ;)…giving them what I think are clever names, for example, and referring to them that way (“I’m taking Schwinn with me today.”)  However, intellectually I know that my Kindle is lost/stolen/fails, I can replace it…and have access to pretty much everything I did on the old one.

Getting an Amazon account is easy (and your Kindle will help you do it if you don’t have one). Essentially, you give them an e-mail address that they use to identify the account. You pick a password, and you (usually) set up some kind of payment method.

That’s about it.

That account is your identity with Amazon.

That’s really key.

It doesn’t matter to Amazon if one person is using the account or a hundred people are.

When you buy Kindle store books, think of it as the account owning the books.

Not an individual person…not an individual Kindle.

Let’s say you are a family of four…however you define family. Amazon doesn’t check that: you could be four friends who meet at Starbucks once a week, doesn’t matter. For convenience sake, though, I’m going to say Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother. Each one of the owns a Kindle. They are all on the same Amazon account, which I’m going to call the “family account”.

Dad buys a Kindle book using the account. That book is available to all four of them. Dad’s Kindle accidentally goes through the washing machine and is destroyed.

Makes no difference to the ownership of that book. Sister, Brother, and Mom can all still read it..and so can Dad, when the Kindle is replaced (or using another Kindle or reader app registered to that account).

Sister goes away to college in another state. Still makes no difference: Sister can read books that  Brother buys, and vice versa…as long as they are using the same old account.

What happens if Mother and Father eventually pass on?

Makes no difference. As long as Brother and Sister have the e-mail address and password for the account, they still have access to the books. The payment method can be changed, the e-mail address can be changed…the account goes on, with all the books in it available to all the devices registered to that account.

Now, to be clear, a person using an account is responsible for it. When you set one up, Amazon says:



If you use this site, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your computer, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password. Amazon does sell products for children, but it sells them to adults, who can purchase with a credit card or other permitted payment method. If you are under 18, you may use only with involvement of a parent or guardian. Amazon reserves the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, remove or edit content, or cancel orders in their sole discretion.”


Amazon Conditions of Use

Adults, you are responsible for minors using your account.

However, if you think of it as the Kindle store books belonging to the account, it will make the most sense to you.

What happens if you deregister a Kindle from that account?

It no longer has access to the Amazon storage of those books you bought. A Kindle can only be registered to one account at a time.

If you downloaded the books to your Kindle first, they’ll only disappear when you deregister the Kindle Fire . On the other Kindles, they’ll stay there. Importantly, though, they’ll only work on that one Kindle…you won’t be able to download them again to a new Kindle if you get one (more on that below).

Let’s say you have bought a thousand books on your account. A relative gets a new Kindle, and you let them register that Kindle to your account.

Boom! They have a thousand books they can read at no cost.

What if that relative buys a book on the account?

You also have access to it…and it’s already paid for.

What if, instead, that relative opens a brand new Amazon account? There won’t be any books in it, and when your relative buys a book on that account, you won’t have access to it (although there is some limited lending possible).

Different scenario: you and your Significant Other are on an Amazon account together. You pay for a hundred Kindle store books on that account with your own money. The relationship, sadly, ends. You deregister the Kindle from that account and register it to a new one.

Bye-bye, hundred books.

Even if your Significant Other wants to give them to you on that new account, it can’t be done. You either have to be registered to the old account, or lose access.

Update: Let’s go through this account thing and deregistering a little more clearly.

Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother were all on the same account, the “family account”. All of their Kindles had access to all of the books on that account, regardless of who paid for them. You can’t restrict which books are accessible by which Kindle…”the account owns the books”, not the individual devices. I think we may see that change in the future, but that’s how it works now.

Sister left the family account when she decided to deregister her Kindle from that one, and to start her own account (we’ll call it “sister’s account”). She might have done that because she wants to assert her financial independence…or maybe she wants to buy Kindle store books she doesn’t want her family to know about. 😉

When Sister deregistered, she already had books downloaded to her Kindle. Those books stay on that Kindle (unless it’s a Kindle Fire…then, they get removed), until she deletes them.

Sister later buys a new Kindle…her old one failed. She registers it to Sister’s account.

That new Kindle doesn’t have access to the books she brought with her from the family account. Those belong to the old account.

Even if she’d made copies of the files on her old Kindle before it died, they still won’t work on the new one.

Usually, Kindle store book files are keyed to work on a single device…they have code in the file that limits it to, say, “Sister’s Kindle”.

Now, let’s say Brother gets married later, but is still using the family account. Brother’s new spouse (let’s call the spouse “Sweetheart”) gets a Kindle as a wedding gift. Sweetheard already had a Kindle when they met, and it is registered to the Sweetheart’s family’s account.

Registering the new Kindle to Brother’s family account means that the new Kindle has access to all of the books bought by Brother’s family on that account…at no charge. Sweetheart can access the books on Sweetheart’s family’s account only on the old Kindle…and to Brother’s family’s account only on the new one.

Obviously, deciding to which account you are going to register your Kindle is the most important decision you can make about it…even before you get your first book.

What if two of you start out with separate accounts, and then want to merge them…combine the libraries? Officially, there isn’t a policy for that…but I’ve heard of it happening when Amazon has made an exception.

Don’t count on that, though.

Should you have more than one account if you have multiple Kindles in your house?

My feeling is that the default should be one account. The more people you have on it, the more buying power you have. Pay for a book once, everybody has access to it (although not necessarily all at once…the publishers limit how many devices on an account can have the book licensed at the same time. Unless it says otherwise on the book’s Amazon product page, that number is six). Everybody can share in each other’s purchases.

However, if you want to limit somebody’s access to an account, the most effective way is…another account. If you have books you don’t want your ten-year old to see, you might want to open a separate account for the kid. Yes, you’ll be responsible for that account. No, you won’t be able to share books.

I know, I know…I sort of feel like I should have hit the fun parts in this post first, like how to get free books. I get that enthusiasm. I was thinking, though, that if you get the free books on the “wrong account”, you are going to regret it. I’m going to give you information in future posts about having fun with the Kindle…I just don’t want what happens the first day to mess you up later.

Settled on which account? Got your Kindle all registered?  If you are having trouble with it, Amazon can help you here: Getting Started with Your New Kindle Amazon help page.

Okay, here’s a free legal place to find free thousands of free books from the Kindle store:

Just couldn’t resist giving you that. 😉 I’m not connected to them except as a user, but it’s a great place to get started.

Do you have other questions? Feel free to ask me by commenting on this post. If you want your question to be confidential, please tell me in your comment.

Have fun!

* I am linking to the same thing at the regular Amazon site, and at AmazonSmile. When you shop at AmazonSmile, half a percent of your purchase price on eligible items goes to a non-profit you choose. It will feel just like shopping at Amazon: you’ll be using your same account. The one thing for you that is different is that you pick a non-profit the first time you go (which you can change whenever you want)…and the good feeling you’ll get. :) Shop ’til you help! :) 

This post by Bufo Calvin originally appeared in the I Love My Kindle blog.

171 Responses to “Got a new Kindle? Here’s the most important thing to know”

  1. Pam Says:

    Hi Bufo! I was never sure what would happen to my library if I died – good to know that the kids could have access with user ID and password and could change credit cards, etc. You lost me on the deregistering of a Kindle though. Does that Kindle lose all the books it had on it, even if it’s never registered to another account? The remaining Kindles should still have access to books downloaded to the first Kindle as they are in the MYK archive, right? Thanks so much for all your knowledge and being so willing to share it! Merry Christmas!

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Pam!

      Let me look and see if I can make that clearer in the post.

      For any Kindle except a Kindle Fire:

      When you deregister the Kindle, it loses access to the books in the Manage Your Kindle page on the old account. If you downloaded books to it, they’ll stay on that Kindle. The remaining Kindles, as you say, still have access to those books.

      Even if you register that Kindle to another account, the books that were downloaded to it stay on it.

      With the Kindle Fire:

      When you deregister a Kindle Fire, all of the books on it are removed.

      Does that help?

  2. Anthea Says:

    Wonderful explanation, thanks, I’ll store this for future reference. Can you add it to Amazon’s help page?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Anthea!

      Thanks for the kind words!

      Based on a couple of comments, I’m going to take a look at it and see if I can make the deregistration part more clear.

      I’m not part of Amazon…I’m a Kindle owner and author, but it’s up to Amazon what they put on their help pages. 🙂

  3. Pam Says:

    Bufo, yes that is clearer! I’m surprised that if you register the Kindle to a new account that it doesn’t lose all the previous books, but it’s a win for us! Thanks!

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Pam!

      Great! I appreciate you letting me know I could explain it better…and then letting me know I did. 🙂

      To be extra clear, you don’t lose books that were downloaded to the Kindle (except in the case of a Kindle Fire) when you download it.

      One way that is used on RSKs (Reflective Screen Kindles) is that parents or other guardians will put books on a Kindle to which they want a child to have access. Then, the parent deregisters the child’s Kindle.

      That child can read those books, but can’t download more. When they want the kid to get more, they re-register the Kindle and download more…then deregister it again.

  4. Sue Says:

    I am a new owner of a Kindle! I registered it with my Amazon acct but when I try to buy a book it tells me I need to register, but when I go to register it tells me I am about to deregister??

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Sue!

      Let me get a better idea of what is happening so I can see if I can help you.

      What model of Kindle is it, do you know?

      When you are looking at the Kindle, does it say your name in your top left corner of the screen?

      Try this for me:

      On any Kindle except a Kindle Fire:


      Is it showing a choice to register or to deregister?

      If it’s a Kindle Fire, then

      Settings Gear – More – My Account

      The other thing you can check is by going to

      Manage Your Devices

      You should be able to tell there is Amazon knows it is registered or not.

      Registration requires two steps: one at Amazon and one on the device (but it may do that one automatically).

  5. Saraba Says:

    It was a kindle Christmas at our house (4 kindles and 1 fire) We started a family account and I have a private account. I registered first to my personal account and downloaded my books then deregistered it to link to our “family” account. Surprise… the books don’t stay with the kindle once the device is deregistered. The only thing that stayed were the library books I had downloaded. Most of our books are freebies so I don’t know it that makes any difference???
    As to the previous poster questioning her kindle not showing the divice to be registered… I had that problem and it resolved itself once I put the thing to sleep for awhile.
    I’m learning a lot from your blog. THanks

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Sara!


      Which model of Kindle did you deregister? I’ve been able to test it before and been fine…not with the Fire, though.

      also, were the books actually downloaded to it, or just showing in the Archived Items list? Once you deregister the Kindle, you won’t have access to that Archived Items list…but I would expect that downloaded Kindle stoer books should still be there…free or not.

  6. Tiffany Says:

    My husband gave me a Kindle for Christmas and I am loving it so far!

    I have a question relating to the one free borrowed book a month you get through having an Amazon Prime membership. Here’s the deal: I registered my Kindle (the very basic lowest model one) on my husband’s account. He has a Prime membership and I was able to borrow the one book for the month. I’d like to buy a couple of additional books but I’d like to do that on my own Amazon account, not my husband’s, because I have some Amazon gift certificates loaded onto my own account that I’d like to use to buy the books. What I want to know is if I de-register the Kindle from my husband’s account (with Prime membership) to register it to my own (without a Prime membership), do you know if the borrowed book will stay on the Kindle or will it come off? And what happens when I want to “return” the borrowed book and borrow another one next month? Will I need to re-register it back to my husband’s account?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions you might have!

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Tiffany!

      Congratulations…welcome to the Klub!

      Ordinarily, when you deregister a Kindle (except a Kindle Fire), books which are downloaded to it will stay on it.

      However, that may be different with Kindle Owners’ Lending Library books (the ones you borrow with Prime). I suspect that when you re-register it, it may check that and get rid of it. That would be a new behavior, but we don’t know enough about Prime.

      Of course, when you re-register the Kindle with your husband’s paid Prime account, you would likely be able to download it again. The only problem with that would be if Amazon considers it returned if you deregister that, but I doubt that, since multiple Kindles can borrow the same book on a Prime account.

      Yes, you would need to re-register it to your husband’s account to borrow another book.

      Could you possibly use those gift certificates to buy something you would have bought otherwise on your account…and then use the equivalent money on your husband’s account? That would simplify things…and if he gets a Kindle eventually (he may be inspired by you) 🙂 , he would have access to the books as well at no extra charge.

  7. pete Says:

    Looking for that perfect gift?
    Look no further
    Purchase all your kindle products

    Safe purchasing through amazon.

  8. spage05 Says:

    Isn’t true that if you deregister a Kindle and register it to a friend’s account. You can then read the friend’s books and then register back to your original account and be right back where you started?
    Thanks so much!

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, spage05!

      Yes, you could do that. A Kindle can only be registered to one account at a time, and while it is registered it has access to the archives/Cloud of that account.

      To clarify, though, you can’t move the books from one account to another that way. If it is a reflective screen Kindle, the downloaded books would remain on the Kindle when it was deregistered: that is not the case with a Kindle Fire. When a Fire is deregistered, the Kindle store books on it are no longer accessible.

      So, let’s say you have an account and I have an account. You degister from your account and register to mine. You can read the Kindle store books I’ve purchased…while your Kindle is registered to mine. During that time, you will not have access to the archives/Cloud of your account on that Kindle.

      Deregister from my account, and you lose access to my archives/Cloud. If it’s a reflective screen Kindle, the books you’ve downloaded will stay available on the device. If it’s a Kindle Fire, you won’t.

  9. Dianne Hussey Says:

    I have lost my kindle. When I buy a new one can I download the books I have already purchased.

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Dianne!

      I’m sorry to hear that! Yes, if you register the new device to the same account, all compatible books you ahve purchased previously will be available to the new device.

      You may want to take a look at this thread of mine in the Amazon Kindle community for more information about what to do. I’ve had it happen to me, so I do understand.

  10. Dianne Hussey Says:

    Thanks for that information Buford Calvin .

  11. Pat Says:

    My husband and I share one account but both have the Kindle Fire 2. Can I delete books from my Kindle without deleting them from his Kindle. Or do we both just have to have the same books that each of download on our own Kindles?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Pat!

      Yes, you can delete it from the device without affecting your husband’s device.

      The only way that multiple devices on an account affect each other is that there is a limit as to how many devices on an account can have the same Kindle store book at the same time. Unless indicated otherwise on the book’s Amazon product page, that number is six.

      With only two devices on the account, deleting from one device will not affect the other device.

      The one thing that could be confusing is that the book still appears in the Cloud on the device and in the Carousel when it isn’t downloaded. You can remove it from the Carousel on one device (long press it…hold your finger or stylus on it for about a second) without affecting the other one.

      It would still appear in the Cloud listing on the device when you removed it from the Carousel…that’s just a list of things you can download, not that are downloaded.

  12. Janine Wieland Says:

    Hi – I have a question. A friend who has a Kindle, but no computer (yet!), asked if she could plug it into my computer and download books directly onto it. Is this right? And if so, how do I do it?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Janine!

      Yes, it can be done that way. The Kindle does need to know it is registered…with a wi-fi Kindle, that means it needs to connect once via wi-fi (which can be done at a public wi-fi hotspot, like a McDonalds or Starbucks).

      After that, you choose “Transfer Via Computer” when you buy the book. You specify the device on which it will be used, and the computer gets the book file keyed for that device. Then you use a USB data cable to put it in the Kindle’s Documents folder.

      More information here:

      • Janine Wieland Says:

        Wow! such a quick response, thanks.
        One thing – it says ‘more information here’ – but there’s nothing to click on… but maybe I won’t need more info. 🙂

      • Bufo Calvin Says:

        Thanks for writing, Janine!

        Glad to help! I fixed the link in my comment…you should see it now.

  13. Fun things to do with your new Kindle Fire HD « I Love My Kindle Says:

    […] you’ve taken care of the most important thing (choosing which account you’ll use), and maybe set the parental controls so you […]

  14. Janine Wieland Says:

    Can I ask you a question about music please?
    Is it possible to transfer music from my iTunes onto my Kindle Fire? These are predominantly tracks downloaded from my CD’s, not bought via Amazon or iTunes store.

  15. peter Says:

    My wife has a kindle how can she see her account info without having to use her pc?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Peter!

      What account information does she want to see, and which Kindle does she have?

      I ask because it will affect the answer. For example, you can see the Cloud/Archives from any device, but you can only (easily) see the Country Settings from a Fire.

  16. BELINDA Says:


    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Belinda!

      Where did you get the books in Afrikaans? Are they your own files? If so, it’s going to depend on the format and any security they might have.

      This should help:

      Also, here is a search for what a USA customer sees (those are the only ones I can do easily) for Afrikaans books in the USA Kindle store:

      Afrikaans books in the USA Kindle store

      Depending on how you are registered, that won’t be the same ones you see, but it may give you some ideas of which ones to check. What I did was search for “Afrikaans” in the Kindle store.

  17. sue Says:


    I have a problem. I bought my Kindle in Japan. And I didn’t really know much about Kindle back then. So I registered my Kindle account and put on my Malaysia address as the home & residence country.

    I tried to buy books but not successful and my Kindle stays empty 😦

    Much didn’t I know that Amazon actually didn’t really sell Kindle books to countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, etc. Its so sad. So I change my home country to US and change my address to US address which I got from this website. Its like a medium to stuff for a non US cards.

    And suddenly, wallah! I can start to buy books for my Kindle. Unfortunately, the next day, Amazon sent my below email:

    “We are writing because the home country registered to your Kindle account may not match your country of residence. Due to publishing rights, the home country registered to your account must match your country of residence.

    To continue purchasing titles available for the United States, please send a copy of your valid government-issued identity card, passport, or a utility bill received within the previous 90 days to our secure fax line:

    Within the US: 206-266-1838
    Outside the US: (00)1-206-266-1838

    For your security, you may obscure the passport, ID, or account number. However, we ask that you do not obscure any portion of your name, your address, or any expiration or statement dates.

    Your fax will be converted to a secure electronic image that will never be printed. Once we have completed the verification process, we will delete the image.

    If you have moved to a different country, you can update your home country in the Manage Your Kindle section of your Amazon account (

    1. Login to
    2. Click “Country Settings.”
    3. Click “Change.”
    4. Choose an existing home address from your account or enter a new one.
    5. Click “Update.”

    We may restrict your home country setting if you continue to purchase from the catalog of titles for the United States without completing the verification process.

    We appreciate your cooperation”

    So sad 😦

    I wonder if you know if it is possible for me to deregister my Kindle and register it again under a new account with a US address straight away. With a different email of course. I hope with this I can continue to download books for my Kindle.

    Appreciate your help. Thanks!

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Sue!

      What’s happening here is based on licensing, which is based on copyright laws. Most (but not quite all) countries recognize the right of an author to control their creations, within certain limitations. That right allows the author to license a book to publishers (which sell it to the public, and pay the author for that). Those rights are traditionally licensed by format and by market (you can think “country” on that one).

      So, a company that has the rights to sell an e-book in the USA may not have the rights to sell the e-book in Malaysia. If they do so, they could be in big legal trouble, not least from another publisher which may have paid the author to license those rights.

      Amazon needs to make a good faith effort to see that books are only sold to the licensed countries, or publishers will not use them for sales.

      It’s quite different with e-books from paperbooks (p-books), due to the way they are sold. With a p-book, Amazon buys copies from the publisher, and sells them to the customer. The sale took place where Amazon is, and, subject to other restrictions, they can sell the book to someone outside that country.

      With e-books, the sale takes place where the customer is, basically. Amazon doesn’t buy it from the publisher and store and then sell it to you.

      All of this stems from recognizing the author’s rights.

      Some people will try and falsify where they live, in order to get around the rights of the author (in a similar way to pirating unauthorized copies). Amazon can’t entirely stop that, but it needs to make the effort…and ideally, do it in a way that does not result in prosecution of that person.

      Another possibility is that a country restricts which products are available within its borders. There are some demographic similarities with some of the countries where Kindle books can not be purchased through Amazon. If Amazon knowingly violated those restrictions, those countries might stop Amazon from selling anything there at all.

      The bottom line is that Amazon does not sell certain e-books to residents of certain countries. They make it clear when you are buying online from them, although of course, they can’t control what information you are given when you buy it in a store. You typically have thirty days to return a Kindle bought from (that return policy may be different where you bought it), and there are other sources for books besides Amazon.

      I can understand your disappointment, and I hope you can find a legal way to make good use of your Kindle or find a legal way to get money for the device.

  18. David Hart Says:

    I have just updated my older keyboard kindle to a paper white and wanted to pass the older one to my daughter but when she registered it onto her amazon account all the books disappeared off it. When I reregistered it to my account they all reappeared. This is obviously not your experience. Why should my downloaded books disappear?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, David!

      What you are describing is what I would expect to have happen with the archived items shown on a Kindle Keyboard, but not with books actually downloaded to the device. That’s been the case in the past when I’ve tested it. However, it’s possible that something has changed.

      Are you sure the books were actually downloaded to it? If you are, I will investigate farther and get back to you.

  19. Suz Selew Says:

    My question…if I download books from my archive onto my kindle and then deregister from my account my books will still be there- correct? If I then register on a friends account could I archive my books onto that account?

    Next question…can we both share a kindle account and use different payment methods? I read something that you can “gift” a book using your amazon account to the kindle account with a separate credit card. Not sure if this is easier than changing payment options?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Suz!

      For the first part of your question, it depends a bit on what kind of Kindle you have. When you deregister a Kindle Fire, you lose access to the Kindle store books you have downloaded to it. If you deregister a Kindle other than a Kindle Fire, the local copies (the downloaded books) should still be available.

      If you register to your friend’s account, you will not be able to put the books you purchased into that friend’s archives. The archives are really a list of the licenses you have purchased, and the licenses are non-transferable. However, if you re-register to the original account, you can download the books again. If you friend registered a device to your account, your friend could download the books in your archives.

      The easiest way to think about it is that the books (really licenses) belong to the account, not the device. However, downloaded copies will stay available on a non-Fire Kindle.

      There are a few ways to deal with the finances on a shared Kindle account.

      You could, as you suggest, keep switching payment methods before you buy something. I think that may be the most awkward method…for one thing, both of you have to have access to the account…you both have to know the username and log-in. To just share Kindle books, that’s not necessary: you can shop directly from the device without having access to the account. I refer to “Managers” and “Users”: Managers have access to the account information, users don’t. I suppose the user could contact the manager to switch the payment method, but that seems complex.

      Another option is to have the user pay for the book with a different Amazon account, and gift the book to the manager. That’s how one person on our account does it. That works quite well, except that the book doesn’t show up on the account (in the archives) right away. I have to first receive an e-mail about the gift and accept it. I check my e-mail pretty often, so the user has the book within a day…but not within minutes, usually.

      You could also fund the account just with gift cards. That protects everybody’s credit cards. However, the gift card still has to be acknowledged by the manager before it is credited. Some people do that at the start of the month, I think, and then just work off that balance all month.

  20. Suz Selew Says:

    Thank you for such a prompt and thorough response! You rock.

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Suz!

      No problem…I’m glad I could help! Feel free to ask other questions…I like answering them. 🙂

  21. Kate Says:

    Can I still use Kindle (e-reader device) for reading books even without an Amazon account. I mean if I deregister or delete my account completely (or Amazon deletes my account 😦 .). Would Kindle become useless to me after that? I am new to this so I have no freaking idea. Pls help

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Kate!

      You could still use the Kindle, but the books would have to be in a compatible format and not have security that would prevent you.

      For example, you could use it to read free books from Project Gutenberg

      Those are in text format (a very simple one), and are not under copyright protection, so no one has inserted code into the files to control their use.

      You would generally not be able to buy books from Amazon to use on the device, though.

      So, its usefulness would be greatly diminished, but not eliminated. 🙂

  22. Kate Says:

    Thank you for the quick response. I just recently ordered Kindle and then read some articles about Kindle accounts being deleted and content being removed and I kind of freaked out. And I have many books (classic books) from or … so, what I was really asking was if I could still read them on the device even if my Amazon account was revoked. So, now I know. Thanks again for such a quick answer. 🙂

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Kate!

      No problem…I tend to be pretty quick, although not always that fast! 🙂

      Yes, books from those sources would be fine.

      As to what you had read…

      Just about four years ago, Amazon apparently accidentally made an unauthorized version of George Orwell’s 1984 available in the USA Kindle store. The copyright terms are different in Australia and the USA, and from what I’ve read, the publisher only intended it to be available in Australia, where it is in the public domain (not under copyright protection).

      Amazon removed the unauthorized copies from people’s Kindles.

      Jeff Bezos personally called the removal “stupid”. People were compensated…they actually profited from what happened.

      Amazon stated publicly that they would not do the same thing again in the same circumstances…and they haven’t.

      People still bring it up like it’s a current threat, when Amazon apologized and made it right…but people do like to knock Amazon. 😉 It’s mostly what I call “Chickenlittling”, in my opinion.

      As to deleting accounts, that is possible, but as you can imagine, Amazon is only going to do that in very rare circumstances. If they delete your account, you can’t buy from them any more…and that’s kind of defeats why they are in business, right? 🙂 If somebody really abuses the return policies, for example, they could do it. Let’s say somebody buys a hundred books a year from the Kindle store…and returns every single one of them within seven days of purchase for a refund (you can do that). Amazon would likely first warn them, then maybe restrict them, then warn them again, and so on…deleting the account would be the last resort, although they would be within their rights to do so.

      Hope that helps…

  23. julie Says:

    Bufo my head is going to explode….please just tell me how I can give my old Kindle keyboard to my father and have all my old books and games on my new Kindle Keyboard? He is 87 years old and I probably will be ordering all his books anyway. He has no Amazon account yet…help help help

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, julie!

      Since you are going to be ordering all of the books for him, I would just leave it on your account. So…you can simply hand it to him. 🙂 If you’d like to remove all of the books from it first, you can do that, but it isn’t necessary. You could do a factory reset (which will wipe out everything you’ve done on it…the only thing that stays is Kindle software updates) if you wanted to give him a “clean” one, but up to you.

      As to your new Kindle Keyboard, you just register it to the same account as the old Kindle Keyboard. All of the books and games will be available to you through the archives/Cloud. You can download them from the device, or by going to

      It’s up to you which ones you actually put on the device. I usually only keep about ten Kindle store books on any of my devices at a time…just seems simpler.

      Let me know if you have more questions on this.

      • Janine wieland Says:

        I have a question – is it possible to Bluetooth photos from my phone to my kindle fire ?

      • Bufo Calvin Says:

        Thanks for writing, Janine!

        Yes, you can. 🙂 It can’t be the first generation Kindle Fire, because it doesn’t have Bluetooth…but the HDs and the 2nd gen work. I just tested it for you…sent a picture from my Galaxy S4 to my Kindle Fire HD 8.9″ via Bluetooth with no problem.

      • Janine wieland Says:

        Thanks for the info. I still need your help though 🙂 I have successfully paired my phone with my kindle. Apparently. But each time the phone tries to send a file it is not successful. A message appears on the kindle saying -incoming file – but the message disappears almost immediately. The kindle shows that 3files were unsuccessful in being transferred.
        Can you help on this one please?

      • Bufo Calvin Says:

        Thanks for writing, Janine!

        Hm…are you leaving them next to each other? Bluetooth needs pretty close proximity, and I’ve been that when transferring a lot of data like a picture, that can be more important (than, say, headphones or a keyboard).

        If you don’t mind sharing, what type of phone?

      • Janine wieland Says:

        It’s a Samsung GT S55601. Getting on a bit now, I know, but I normally have no problems transferring from my phone to my computer. Unfortunately my computer is out of action right now so I want to send some photos from the kindle…
        The phone is next to the kindle. I tried sending 1photo only, 1M in size, but it still doesn’t work.
        Any advice will be welcomed.

  24. Paulo Juliano Says:

    I purchase a Paper White and will sell the old. Can I maintain the old books in the two and use the books to increase the value of the old ?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Paulo!

      You would be violating the Terms of Service to sell your old Kindle with Kindle store content on it. If you have books on it that did not come from the Kindle store, it would depend on your licensing agreements with the place where you got them. For example, you could include books in the public domain from Project Gutenberg.

  25. Carolyn Says:

    My husband got a Kindle Paper White for his birthday from our daughter. I also have a kindle ap on my iPhone and would like to use his Kindle to read my books. Do I have to deregister him and register with my username and password to read my books on his Kindle? Will he lose his books if I deregister him?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Carolyn!

      The Paperwhite can only be registered to one account at a time, but you can switch back and forth. It’s easiest to think of the Kindle store books as belonging to the account, not the device…you won’t lose any books by deregistering: they’ll be waiting in the archives/Cloud for you when you re-register.

      So, you could change the registration to your account, download a book you bought previously on your account, and read it. When you are done, you can re-register it to his account.

  26. jake crouch Says:

    My sister gave me her kindle fire and I changed the registration from her name to mine, but after that it said that I need a credit card number to download stuff and buy things but I don’t have one. I’m sixteen years old and I can’t get in contact with my sister cause she’s living far away. Please help me.

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, jake!

      There are some things that require a credit/debit card, but other things can be done with gift cards.

      How are things normally paid for on the account? Do you apply gift cards, or is someone’s credit card on it? You shouldn’t tell me what sort of credit card, just be general about it.

  27. Stefanie Says:

    I bought my 10 y.o. a Kindle for Christmas. Presently, I have a Kindle registered to my Amazon Account. My husband, has
    Amazon prime and I want my daughter to have access to the “Prime” deals … can) she still have her own account and we will add her name to his Prime membership (w/ me managing it), or does her kindle have to be registered w/ the Prime Member? I hope that makes sense. Thank you!

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Stefanie!

      Just so I’m clear:

      Your husband has an Amazon account, and has Amazon Prime.

      I think you have a Kindle registered to that account?

      You’d like your daughter to have her own account, have a Kindle registered to her account, and you want to share the Prime benefits (which go with the other account) with her?

      The Prime shipping benefits can be shared with someone not on your account.

      The other benefits (the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, Prime Instant Video) can not be shared.

      Here is the

      Amazon Help Page: Sharing Prime Benefits

      You might be able to accomplish what you want with her being on the family account (which would give her all of the Prime benefits). It depends a bit on which kind of Kindle she has as to which way you would set things up.

      What would you like her to be able to do/not do?

  28. Stefanie Says:

    Thank you! I think you answered my question. I want her to have the Kindle Lending Library. I got her the paper white Kindle (not fire). With that, I think we have no choice but to use my husband’s Prime account. We just don’t want her to have access to his books …although I think he only has 2 ….
    Thanks again!

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Stefanie!

      Yes, to take advantage of the Kindle Owmers’ Lending Library, the device should be registered to the account with Prime.

      However, that does result in only up to two books a month (the Kindle First book and one other).

      You can control whether or not she sees your husband’s books using Kindle FreeTime, which is on the new generation Paperwhite.

  29. Kay Bennett Says:

    How do I register my mom’s old keyboard Kindle and create a new account. Does she have to reregister to keep all of her account information on her new Paper White Kindle.

    Thank you for all your help!

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Kay!

      Just to make sure I have this straight:

      You Mom had a Kindle Keyboard which she is giving to you. She’s gotten a new Paperwhite. She wants to have her new Paperwhite on the old account, and you are going to put the Kindle Keyboard on a different account?

      If that’s right, yes, she would register the Paperwhite to the old account. The Kindle store books she bought previously on that account will become available to the Paperwhite.

      Assuming you want yours on a new account (there is value in both being on the same account…you can share books), you can reset her old one to factory defaults…that will wipe everything off it that she put on there. It will keep the Kindle software, including any updates which have occurred.

      Home – Menu – Settings – Menu – Reset to Factory Defaults

      I think that last one is correct…been a little while. 🙂

      After it resets, it should take you through the registration. If it doesn’t, this should help:

      Register Your Kindle Keyboard Amazon help page

  30. Jessica Says:

    I had an older Kindle, (black and white) I have tons of books on it and just got a Kindle fire for Christmas from my husband. If im understanding all correctly I can deregister my old Kindle, the book i downloaded on it will stay until i delete them…

    My question, If I deregister my old kindle and delete the books off of the old Kindle, will I lose all my books I ever purchase in the library too? As I want them all to remain on my Kindle Fire. I am just trying to reset the old kindle so I can give it to my dad to use to start up his own thing..

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Jessica!

      What you do on any given device won’t affect what is in your archives/Cloud. It is easiest to think of it as the books belonging to the account, not to the device or a person. Go ahead and reset your Kindle before you give it to your Dad, and the books you have previously purchased from the Kindle store will be in your archives/Cloud for you to be able to download to your new device (as long as it is registered to the same account).

      There are very rare exceptions where a book was removed from the Kindle store for legal reasons, such as infringing on a copyright. My understanding is that those will not be available in your archives/Cloud…to a new or an old device.

  31. Crystal Says:

    We registered my son’s kindle to my bf’s account then deregistered it to start a new, fresh account. (Figured a 5 yr old didn’t need to share libraries with a 38 yr old lol) my bf ordered the free trial of kindle FreeTime, would he need to cancel anything on his card or anywhere else to ensure his card doesn’t accrue automatic payments? If we want to use the same form of pAyment do we just reenter the same c.f. info under new kindle acct?

  32. razv Says:

    if i buy a kindle paperwhite, i forget to check gift button and i give it to a friend. This firend will have access to my amazon account? He will have access to my personal information from amazon account ( billing, shipping, credit card….)even if he dont have my account password?He can buy anythig with my creditcard?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, razv!

      Your friend won’t have access to any of the account information…no credit card information, no billing address, no shipping. You can go to

      and deregister it from your account. That would prevent even buying Kindle store books. If a Kindle store book was bought on your account, you’ll get an e-mail…and you can return it (within seven days of purchase) for a refund at the above address.

  33. Carla Says:

    Best blog on kindles I’ve ever read thanks!!!

  34. Bonnie Coy Says:

    Great information but my question is about game apps. If I deregister my nephew’s kindle fire from my a/c, does he lose all the game apps he’s previously downloaded? Thanks so much!

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Bonnie!

      The apps (from the Amazon Appstore) work very much like the e-books: they belong to the account. If you deregister his Fire, the apps he has downloaded to the device won’t work, and he won’t have access to the previously purchased ones on the account. If he re-registers to your account, he’ll have access again.

      Some games also can move your game progress from one device to another (on the same account). Those are games in the “GameCircle”. Here is more information from Amazon on that:


  35. Tom Says:

    If a friend purchased a tv show, do I need to register my Kindle Fire on their account in order for me to watch? I can’t just log into their account?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Tom!

      That’s an interesting question, and I’ll try to get a definitive answer.

      What you are suggesting is that your friend would authorize your device as a download device for the TV show, but it would stay registered to your account? My intuition is that it would be okay, since we can authorize other things which aren’t registered to our accounts (like a Roku box). I’ll ask, though, and post what I find out.

  36. Tom Says:

    Well the thing is, I wanted to watch a series. My friend already bought it and said I could log into their account and watch on my Kindle. I did this, but was unable to view. It kept giving me buy options even though the account said owned. Thanks for your help on this.

  37. bc Says:

    i have two kindle paperwhites, both registered to the same account. i would like to wipe out the content on the ‘old’ kindle (without having to individually ‘delete’ each of the 1000+ items!), then set up parental controls on ‘old’ kindle for my son. so, can i
    a)deregister ‘old’ kindle (thereby wiping it clean)
    b)re-register ‘old’ kindle BACK TO SAME ACCOUNT
    c)download new content i approve on ‘old’ kindle (and restrict access to the cloud via parental controls)?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, bc!

      Nice initials! 😉 (They are the same as mine)

      You can do a factory reset on your old Paperwhite to wipe everything off it (simply deregistering it won’t clean it like that…the only thing the factory reset doesn’t do is remove the operating system and updates to it). Then, yes, re-register it to the same account, download what you want on to it, and set up your parental controls.

  38. ravinder kumar Says:

    I can read pdf doc files in kindle fire send via bluetooth

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Ravinder!

      I am not sure if you noticed, but the article on which you commented came out in December 2011. Things have changed in between. 🙂 Did you have a question?

  39. Sally Says:

    I can’t trace which account my daughter’s kindle is registered under. Strangely it is not registered on her own Amazon account or neither my one. How do I find out?

  40. mary Says:

    I just got 3 kindles. Up and running. At the top of screen it says Mary’s kindle, Mary’s 2nd kindle and Mary’s 3rd kindle. How can I get it to Sallie’s kindle, Bob’s kindle and Tom’s kindle?

  41. Myka Says:

    Hi Bufo!

    I am hoping you can help me. Little back info here. I have had my Kindle Touch for years. I have books in archive and on device. I also have the iPhone app that I use regularly. Plus I am Kindle Unlimited member.

    I just bought Kindle Fire 6 HD for both my boys age 13 and 10 for Christmas. I also know family members will be getting Amazon Kindle gift cards.

    I have books and read books that I don’t want the boys to have access to but I want to be able to know what they are downloading. I also don’t want them to just download things without me knowing, either with the gift cards or specially with my credit card. I do like the fact that they could share books since they do read some of the same things. But I gather if they are not under mine directly they can’t use the benefit of Kindle Unlimited.

    I am trying to figure out how to still have privacy on my device, not loose anything that I have either in device or archived, but still have control over what my kids download and or purchase. I know I want it all here. I just don’t know the best way to go about it.

    Thank you for your help in advance!!

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Myka!

      You are pretty exactly outlining the use case for Kindle FreeTime. 🙂 That is a free app that comes on the tablet (not to be confused with FreeTime Unlimited, which is something for which you pay, similar to Kindle Unlimited).

      You set up profiles fo the kids, and you can control what they see on the device and they won’t be able to order. Register them to your account, and they’ll have the advantage of your Kindle Unlimited (with kids, it also generally makes sense that they would be on your account).

      Here is the Amazon help page:

      Amazon FreeTime on Fire Tablet (at AmazonSmile)

      I’m really focusing on family today, but you can let me know if you have questions and I’ll get to them when I can.

      Naturally, there will be some inconveniences with the additional security…those two seem to go together. 🙂

  42. Suzanne Says:

    Merry Xmas Bufo
    Glad I found this site…my daughter gave me a Kindle Paperwhite for Xmas today. I am at her home in Hawaii….but I live in Canada. I’m using her wifi here but registering my account to my Canadian address. I get stuck trying to register because the question is asking for county and I dont have a county just town and province. How do I get beyond this please and thank you

  43. Sandra Dee Borg Says:

    I didn’t have time to go through all these questions. Mine is simple – I have an old Kindle – my husband bought me a Kindle paperwhite – no clue how to tell which generation it is but it says 2013 on the back so I’m assuming the latest. He bought it on his amazon account – my old one is registered to my amazon account. I’m assuming I have to register this new one to my account and then I will have access to all the books on my account – will I still be able to access them on both the old and the new Kindle? Thanks….

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Sandra!

      If it has the Amazon logo on the back, it’s the new one (the Paperwhite 2). If it has a Kindle logo on the back, it’s the first generation.

      If you register it to the old account, it will have access to all of the books on that account. If you register to it to his account, it won’t. You can almost always read the same book on both devices…even at the same time.

      That’s the short answer, without so many questions. 🙂

      There is another alternative called the Family Library…let me know if you want to know more about that.

  44. Sandra Dee Borg Says:

    Thank you – I think I’m good. I just go on my Amazon account and register it and I’m good to go? It doesn’t come with instructions – need to download the PDF

  45. Sandra Dee Borg Says:

    Ok – another question…..wile trying to set up my new Kindle paperwhite 2, since my husband bought it, it says “Hello Brian” -where does it give me the option to put in Sandra and register to my kindle account that I already have? If I deregister I will lose everything, won’t I?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Sandra!

      From the home screen, hit the menu (three horizontal lines). Tap Settings, and then Registration.

      It’s easiest to think of the books as belonging to the account, not the device. When you deregister from one account, you’ll lose access to the archives/Cloud of that account (you won’t lose the books…they’ll still be sitting in that Cloud, available to devices registered to that account),and gain access to the archives/Cloud of another account to which you register it.

      • Sandra Borg Says:

        Actually the new paperwhite 2 was already registered in my husband’s name. I called Amazon and they told me to deregister the new one and then register to me. Then everything was perfect. He didn’t even remember registering it when he purchased it on Amazon, but apparently they just do that for you. Thanks for all your help. I’m good to go at the moment – just need to read a 43 page PDF….. lol

  46. Suzanne Says:

    Hi again
    I went online to check whether it was .com or .ca and low and behold it was on both…lol….I turned the kindle on and everything lined up….just had to re-register my credit card…thanks for steering me in the right direction.

  47. ILMK’s WordPress stats for 2014 | I Love My Kindle Says:

    […] Got a new Kindle? Here’s the most important thing to know (from 2011) […]

  48. brave or daft Says:

    I received my first Kindle for Christmas and love it.
    Wondering if better to put money into kindle (Amazon) account ( via gift card) or buy ebooks individually?
    Got gift card but used up now so buying one by one and worried will get extra charges from debit card account
    Avid reader and traveller so kindle is best thing “since sliced bread” for me!

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, brave or daft!

      Welcome to the Klub! Kindles are perfect for reading and traveling…I used to pack an extra suitcase just for books, and those days are behind me. 🙂

      Certainly, a lot of people buy gift cards and apply them to the account to buy e-books. I understand that some people do that to avoid transaction charges (although I don’t have those with my debit card), some people do it to keep the accounting easier to read (one charge on the account rather than, say, ten), and some people do it for budgeting. They might have a $50 budget per month for books. They put in the gift card, and when it’s gone, they wait until next month. That only works well if you have an account specifically for this kind of spending, and if you remove other payment methods.

  49. aavu Says:

    Hi.I got a new kindle touch 6″ 2 days back.First of all i fnd it tough to transfer the .mobi books wich i have on kindle for PC.I downloaded the “send to kindle from PC” tool from amazon and tried it too.It said successful delivery ,but then could not find any of the books on my kindle.(wifi)Why does this happen?Pdf reading is such a pain on kindle.Is there any tool other than calibre and k2op that i can use or is there any thing else which i can do to read my pdf textbooks.Please help me.Thx 🙂

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, aavu!

      Your Kindle Touch has an e-mail address. You can find that e-mail address at

      You can send the PDFs to that e-mail address, and put the word


      in the subject line to have them converted.

      Naturally, the conversion won’t be perfect, especially if their are complex tables and images.

      Have you asked the textbook publisher if they will give you the book in another format? Some will, I believe.

      If you have more questions about it, feel free to ask me. This is the

      Amazon Personal Documents help page

  50. Georgia Says:

    Very helpful. How do you find a kindle that you know is lost in your house but you think that you’ve looked everywhere… AND you don’t have a tracking app installed on it?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Georgia!

      If it happens to be a Kindle Fire HDX (or some other Fire tablets, I think), and it is connected to wi-fi, you can go to

      find the device there, and trigger the remote alarm. Even with the volume turned all the way down (I just tested it) it will make a not entirely unpleasant beeping sound. 😉 That last for two minutes, and you can stop it as soon as you find the device.

      If it’s not…all I can suggest is logic and perseverance, unfortunately. I’m quite good at finding things…but it can take time.

    • jj wieland Says:

      Hi Bufo Calvin, Can you answer this question for me please.My husband and I have a Family account, and so we can share our books.   Can I add my sister to the Family account?  She doesn’t live with us. She has her own Amazon account with her credit cards registered etc.If she can be added, does that mean she has to register her Kindle on my account?  ie she has to go into my Amazon account and go to my Kindle account?  Or do I simply add another Kindle to my Family account and call it Sister’s Kindle?Then, when she wants to buy a Kindle book, she does this through her Amazon a/c and pays with her card, but the title will appear in our Family a/c.  Yes? It says in the “manage your content” part of my account, that a Family Account comprises two adults and up to 4 children!  So have the rules changed? I would be so grateful for your reply. Janine

      • Bufo Calvin Says:

        Thanks for writing, jj!

        The rules have not changed.

        Unlike sharing an account (which isn’t limited in terms of with whom you can share it, as long as it isn’t for commercial purposes), the Family Library specifically says, “…in your household”. It also limits it to two adults.

        You and your husband have two different Amazon accounts, right? If so, and if you are using the Family Library to share, you’ve met the limit there.

        Amazon About Family Library Help Page (at AmazonSmile: benefit a non-profit of your choice by shopping)

        If you took your husband off and added your sister, the issue (according to the terms) is that I presume she wouldn’t be in your household.

        She can also deregister her Kindle from her account, then register it to yours. While she is registered to your account, she has access to all of the compatible books purchased on that account…but not to ones purchased on her account.

        She can deregister from yours, and re-register to hers, and she’ll have access to hers again.

        The Family Library lets you have books from two different accounts on one device at the same time.

        The “Register/Deregister Dance” (R/DD) (as I call it) doesn’t do that…but you can have books on one account, and then books from another account, then back to the first, and so on.

      • Janine Wieland Says:

        Wow, quick response – thanks! And thanks for R/DD idea – kind of sneaky, I like it!

      • Bufo Calvin Says:

        Thanks for writing, Janine!

        I tend to respond pretty quickly to comments on the blog, I think.

        While it might seem sneaky, clearly, Amazon knows about it (after all, the registering and deregistering is to Amazon). It appears to me to be entirely within the rules, and it has served many people well. 🙂

  51. Joan Says:

    So I have a Kindle Fire and I needed to update my credit card info. So I signed into my Amazon account and did so. It turns out my kindle was registered to an account and I had no idea what that password could be and the only way to reset it was for them to email that email that I have no access to and needed the help remembering the password to. So I ended up de registering my kindle and losing all my books to just sign in under the email that I regularly use ( and now my kindle says this is not a recognized Amazon account!! When it is because I can sign into Amazon. I have used it to sign into the kindle app on my phone but the actual kindle says No it’s not recognized on file. So my question is how can I register the kindle or sign back into the original account I had that I have no way to get password help with?? I hope this made sense lol

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Joan!

      In this case, you’ll definitely need to speak with Amazon…they are the only ones who can see what is happening with your account(s) and your financial information.

      Start at

      You should find a

      Contact Us

      button there, and I would speak to someone on the phone…you can call them or have them call you (I usually do the latter).

  52. Elaine Weiner Says:

    My husband died in dec. My daughter and I each have at least five different versions of the kindle, with thousands of books we can no longer access because he died not telling me his password for the kindle. We’ve faxed death certificates and whatever they asked for. Please help. Elaine.

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Elaine!

      My condolences to you and your family.

      It sounds like you are currently in a process with Amazon? I don’t know what the specific laws are in terms of an account held by one individual in the event of a death and inheritance. As you note, if you’d had the password, there wouldn’t be an issue, as I understand it. Do you have access to e-mail accounts that your husband used? It’s possible the password could be reset that way, but again, I’m not sure.

      Would your husband have stored the passwords anywhere? Some people do that in a safe deposit box. There are devices which can do it, and accounts which can do it. Some people give them to lawyers or other trusted individuals.

      Hopefully, you’ll be able to get some resolution to this. You sharing with me may help other individuals, and I think I’ll write something reminding them about the importance of access to the accounts.

  53. Carla van Duin Says:

    Hi There I know this might sound silly but I got a second Kindle gen 2 and I cant for the life of me register it on amazon…it keeps coming back with can not recognize account etc , I have an account with an email and password and can get on the laptop know prob to amazon but I cant get this to register on the kindle I brought….can you help or tell me what I am doing wrong? cheers

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Carla!

      This is not a Fire, right, it’s the Kindle 2? Hm…I wonder if there might be a country issue (there was both an international and non-international version of that model). Is your account with, or one of the other country sites?

      • Carla van DUin Says:

        Hi thanks for replying and yes i have an amazon account which i have brought e books for my computer no problem . It def sounds like i might have the american version you think? As on the Kindle it gives the option to register through the Kindle also and that always comes up as …..can not connect to this web site…. so thats useless and yes its a kindle generation 2.

  54. Laurie Rands Says:

    HI there My old kindle died and I have a new one. I have registered it against my account and it has popped up as a new kindle. However I would love to access all my old folders and categories that I created. I know I could simply register the old kindle account and sync all the library to this new kindle but I would have to create all my folders anew again and was hoping to avoid having to do that. Can you help?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Laurie!

      I apologize, but I’m not quite clear on your question.

      If you have registered the new Kindle to the same account, it has access to that accounts archives. You typically can also import your Collections (not the books, but the structure). I’m not quite sure what you mean by “sync all the library”.

      There is some difference with models: what model Kindle is the new one (and the old one)?

      • Laurie Rands Says:

        Sorry – dah ! What I meant was that I was able t bring everything over and have it all sitting in the home page but I wanted to be able to have to sorted like it was before in my little collection of folders. I worked out how to do it however so all is well and restored back in my world. Thanks so much for replying.

      • Bufo Calvin Says:

        Thanks for writing, Laurie!

        Good, I’m glad you got it worked out! Was it just a matter of changing it to be sorted by Collections?

  55. End Fin Says:

    I have learned more in five minutes than I did with a long and tortuous on the Amazon helpline. Surprised Amazon haven’t head-hunted you.
    Very many thanks, it’s good to know that there are folk out there will ing to reach out to digitally challenged, such as myself.
    The Fin

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, End!

      I appreciate the kind words!

      I must say, I’ve always had pleasant experiences with Kindle Support. If you went directly to Amazon help, as opposed to Amazon’s Kindle Support:

      that might be different.

      I’m glad you found my post helpful! Feel free to ask if you have additional questions.

  56. Tony Reilly Says:

    Hi Bruno, just bought my wife a new Kindle. She cannot remember her username or password. Can we retrieve them or do we merely register a new account ?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Tony!

      She can’t remember the username and password for her Amazon account? You can’t retrieve, them but you can contact Amazon and you should be able to get them reset. You generally don’t want to lose your account history by starting a new account.

      Do you have another account? In most cases, I think it’s best for people in the same family/household to be on the same account, in terms of Kindle book purchases.

  57. Bob Duncan Says:

    I gave my first Kindle away and no longer have access to it. How can I deregister it using my PC?

  58. ILMK’s WordPress stats for 2015 | I Love My Kindle Says:

    […] Got a new Kindle? Here’s the most important thing to know (from 2011) (#1 last year) […]

  59. Lisa Rose Says:

    I bought a kindle fire for a gift to be given away at a company event from my Amazon account. Will it automatically be registered to me?

    Thank you!

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Lisa!

      If, when you bought it, you said it was a gift (there is a place to indicate that), then it will not be registered to your account.

      If you didn’t do that, it should be registered to your account.

      You can deregister it at

      I think you can do that now..

  60. Keryn McWhinney Says:

    Hi Bufo, I loved reading your blog… & I also really love my Kindle.
    However I have been locked out of my kindle @ am very frustrated with trying yo get a response from Amazon & am hoping you can
    help to point me in the right direction.
    The problem is that I lost my new kindle paper white so I decided to deregister it.
    3 days later I found the Kindle but all I could with it was to was finish reading that current book.
    I would very much appreciate if you could guide me on how to get my Kindle re-registered to my existing acount.

    Thank You.

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Keryn!

      Should be pretty easy to fix. 🙂

      First, did you get the Kindle from or from a store in the USA? If so, contact Kindle Support at

      You’ll find a

      Contact Us

      button. I’d have them call you, or you can call them. I’ve always found them friendly and helpful.

      My second point is to ask how you deregistered it. Did you go online yourself, or did you contact Support the first time?

  61. susette Says:

    Trying to use my kindle, bought a amazon card and it’s saying I need backup card. Why

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, susette!

      Some things require a credit/debit card…for example, if you are getting a periodical, they need to have something that can be billed for future payments. It may also be necessary to identify your country for licensing purchases.

      At what point are you seeing that question? When you are purchasing something, or setting up the account?

  62. susette Says:

    Trying to use my kindle, bought a amazon card and it’s saying I need backup card. Why? Can I bypass

  63. Jess Says:

    Hoping you can help! I got a Kindle fire recently while still in the UK but have since gone travelling in Asia. Just downloaded about 5 books but it won’t let me download anymore until I change my country of residence. But I don’t have a fixed address over here! I tried inputting my UK one but cos of my IP address or something it knows I’m not in UK. Is there a way around this?! I could put one of the hostel addresses in but wouldn’t this just give me the book store for that country, therefore all foreign language? I’d like to keep the UK store! Thanks 🙂

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Jess!

      I think there a couple of questions here.

      Let’s get to the key point: e-books are licensed for certain markets (say, for the UK or the USA). That gives the publisher the right to sell that e-book in that market. How do they determine in which market you are? Yes, an address is part of that…but your financials are perhaps more important. It may have to do with where your credit card is processed. You can change your country in your Amazon settings…however, I would not ever advise someone to state something there which isn’t true.

      When you are traveling, as far as Amazon is concerned, you should still be able to download books from the Amazon store for your country of residence.

      However, there are countries which block Kindle content within their borders. That’s a different issue, but could be affecting you.

      Second, I believe every Kindle store has books in English…and quite a few of them. 🙂

      A third point: if you can’t get books from Amazon while you are traveling, you may be able to get them from other sources, such as Project Gutenberg.

      The best bet: contact Amazon and ask. Is your device registered at

  64. Jayne Says:

    Hi, I bought a kindle paperwhite at a boot sale. But the person did not remove there details from it and I am unable to find them again. I have contacted Amazon and they said they will not remove the user regretted on the device without them calling it in or removing it wirelessly themselves. Is there anything I can do. 😔

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Jayne!

      Unfortunately, I’m guessing there isn’t much you can do.

      As I understand it, a “boot sale” is like what we call a “flea market” in the USA. Individuals probably pay a “space fee”, then (in your case) just park a car and sell out of the boot (what we could call a “trunk”…the back storage area)?

      If the rules are the same where you are (I’m assuming you are in Europe), the registered owner can report a device as stolen (or just missing) and ask Amazon to “blacklist” it…that prevents anyone else from registering it (which is what you are describing).

      If that’s not the case, Amazon would probably have told you that you could reset the device to factory defaults, and then register it. Is there a password on the device?

      What I would do in your situation is report it to the police. Yes, you would likely be out the money in that situation…but currently, you have a device which isn’t useful for you anyway. If you report it, it’s possible the original owner has reported it to the police, and it might be returned to the rightful owner.

      Let me be clear, I don’t know for sure that it was stolen, of course…that just fits your scenario very well.

  65. Nicola Says:

    I live in the UK and my partner currently lives in Australia.
    I plan on moving there in 2017 but until then we had hoped to link our amazon kindles.
    I noticed to link you need to be from the same country. I was wondering if it is worth me changing my country to australia on my amazon account. I wondered if this would restrict what i could buy from the UK if making purchases using the account while i still live here? or if its charging me in dollars for books will it charge my account a fee?
    many thanks

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Nicola!

      You should have your account in your country of residence. That allows the publishers to stay within the markets for which they have licensed the book. That respects the author/author’s estate’s choices.

      Let’s say that a publisher is putting out an e-book of George Orwell’s 1984 in the Kindle store (this scenario happened early on at Amazon). They want to publish it in Australia, where it is in the public domain…not protected by copyright. Legally, they did not have to pay anybody royalties. They can sell to people residing in Australia.

      If they sold to people in the USA, they would not have paid for that necessary license. They could be in real legal trouble.

      If you change your country to Australia because you have moved there you’ll access to different books…more of some, fewer of others. You can’t just pay a fee to buy in another country. That could infringe on an author’s rights.

  66. Christina Says:

    Hi Bufo,
    Firts off, thank you for this post🖒, very clear and informative! I have a Kindle (love it too) and bought one for my son, both registered on my account. Works perfectly. Now, my question….. i live in Germany and want to buy a Kindle for my mom in South Africa, want to buy it and register it on my account and take it to her for Christmas……can she buy books in SA and download via wifi – my account – and will she still also have access to all the new books me an my son buy?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Christina!

      Thanks for the kind words!

      What’s involved here is ultimately copyright. When an author licensed the rights to publish a book to a publisher (that’s the traditional system), the rights are licensed for the format and for the market. For example, Christina Publishing might license the rights to publish Cool Book as an e-book in Germany. If Christina Publishing sold that e-book to someone in South Africa without having licensed the rights, it would infringe on the author’s rights.

      That’s a big reason why people in different countries have access to different Kindle store books (another one is copyright terms…Australia has shorter terms than the USA, for example, making George Orwell’s 1984 out of copyright in Australia and in copyright in the USA).


      I’m not going to give you an unambiguous answer on this. 🙂 Clearly, if someone lives in South Africa and buys books not intended for the South African market, that’s potentially a problem. However, if someone buys a book in Germany intended for the German market and travels to South Africa on vacation with it, that’s fine.

      I’m going to suggest you ask Amazon. It’s possible they will be overly cautious on it. It’s possible it’s okay for you to do it under the Terms of Service and copyright law and they advise you not to do it. For me, I tend to be overly cautious myself in situations like that…

  67. Karen Says:

    Hi I’ve just replaced my old kindle keyboard with a Paperwhite. I’ve registered the Paperwhite to my account and can access all of my books. I’m just wondering if I deregister the old kindle so that my Paperwhite is my only kindle on the account will I still have access to my archived items?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Karen!

      Deregistering a device won’t have any impact on what’s in your archives…enjoy!

      • Karen Says:

        Thanks for your prompt reply. I love reading on my kindle Paperwhite. I liked my old one but after 5yrs it’s gone kaput!

  68. Barbara Says:

    I just bought a third kindle one is fire, I’m not really concerned about it. I’m just informing you I have it in case.
    Anyway I bought a new paperwhite wi-fi, my old one does not have wi-fi. I’m pretty dumb about this and I’ve read through the other comments and if you answered I didn’t get it.
    I want to give the old one to my sister she does not live near me and I want it to be a free and clear gift no credit ties or anything. I’d like to let her keep all the books on there (lots) but I’d like to keep them myself. If not possible I’d like them on my new kindle, on my old account (she could choose from fresh for herself) could you tell me step by step how I go about giving it to her free and clear and still keep the books on my new one I think the ones on my kindle fire are different books.
    Oh yes the old one says Amazon on the back and it’s a kindle paper white also but has no wi-fi.
    Another question where have all the free books gone I entered free mysteries and there is maybe one free and others anywhere from .99 to $17.00 there used to be a lot? Thank you. Love my paperwhite.
    What does it mean by website? I’ve had that on other posts. Thanks appreciate your helps. I’m saving your site to my pocket

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Barbara!

      Let’s start with the lat question first.

      A “website” is a location on the internet. The part of the internet which supports pictures and images is called the “World Wide Web”, or commonly, just the “web”. A site is place: in the real world, like a mall, a park, or a home. So, is a website. A site typically has multiple “pages”, sort of like a book.

      In terms of your sister having access to the books you’ve purchased…the books belong to the account on which they were purchased. The easiest thing is to just keep the Kindle on your account: your sister will have access to all of the books you have purchased, and as either of you purchase more in the future, you’ll both have access to them. She doesn’t assume any of your debts or get to see your credit card information…she could just pay you for books she purchased on the the account, or there are other ways to do it.

      If you want the Kindle to just be hers and she has no connection to your account, you aren’t really allowed to give her the Kindle with any Amazon books on it.

      If you register your new Kindle on the same Amazon account, you’ll have access to all the books you’ve purchased on that account on the new Kindle as well.

      The simplest step by step, and the one I think generally works the best:

      1. Give your sister the Kindle
      2. She puts it on her wi-fi network

      You’re done. 😉

      You can both read the books…almost always even read the same book at the same time.

      Alternatively, you deregister the Kindle from your account, give it to her, and she registers it to a different Amazon account. At that point, there’s no connection between the two. It’s possible to connect the two libraries through a Family account. All of this is a bit much to explain step by step as a comment. If you decide what to do, I can probably direct you to a step by step…

  69. Barbara Says:

    Correction yes the old one does have wi-fi sorry about that. Thank you

  70. Linda Says:

    I want to give my old kindle to my granddaughter what do I need to do to keep all my books. She will have a different account

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Linda!

      If you bought the books from the Kindle store, and if they haven’t been removed from the Kindle store for legal reasons, such as copyright infringement (which is very rare), the books will continue to be available to you on your account (in your Amazon “Cloud”, from which you can download them). They won’t be available to your granddaughter on a different account.

      So, you don’t need to do anything. 🙂 You will need some way to access them yourself: a Kindle, a Fire tablet, an iPad, a smartphone, a computer…

  71. Amelia Says:

    Please help !!! My daughter’s father had custody, now I do… She brought her kindle with that he had registered in his name…. She didn’t like seeing his name on the screen all the time. I told her I’d help but she couldn’t wait for me to get home (she’s 10) so she took it upon herself to change her kindle’s name. Well now the main e-mail account it was registered with is gone & she can’t do ANYTHING on it… How can I retrieve the e-mail account information, without having to contact him?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Amelia!

      It sounds like she deregistered the Kindle from the account, unfortunately. If that’s the case, Amazon can’t give you the credentials for the account, due to customer confidentiality. However, if you have an Amazon account, you could register it to your account. She could get free books that way, and you could buy books for her…but she wouldn’t have access to the books on her father’s account. Unless he was going to continue to pay for purchases for that device, though, it seems like deregistering it was going to be likely at some point.

      Sorry I don’t have better news…

  72. It’s ILMK’s 8th birthday…and I’m celebrating with two giveaways! | I Love My Kindle Says:

    […] Got a new Kindle? Here’s the most important thing to know […]

  73. Carol Span Says:

    Hi Bufo, How are you. My mother bought 3 Fire 7 with Alexa and all are registered under her Amazon account. She gave one to her great grandson which is 2 years old and one for herself. The 3rd one she gave to me. I noticed on her great grandson kindle everything she download is on his and everything downloaded on his comes up on hers. I haven’t registered the 3rd one she gave me yet cause I don’t want my information popping up on her kindle, if you know what I mean, so how can I add apps, etc and my information and emails etc don’t show up on hers. I’ve read comments and deregistering but I’m a visual learner, meaning I need steps and specific directions. Please help me. I’m her daughter.

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Carol!

      I’m doing well! That’s usually the case, though…I’m a pretty optimistic person who loves life. 🙂 I’ve been away from my normal resources a bit, which is why I haven’t gotten back to you sooner.

      I need to first ask you a question so I’m clear on what you want.

      Do you have your own Amazon account?

      The reason why she is seeing things on her great grandson’s Kindle (and vice versa) is that they are registered to the same account. The Kindle is just a display device, not really a storage device (although you can use it that way). The books are stored “in the cloud”, a central server. If you lose your Kindle, that doesn’t matter to the books you bought from the Kindle store (almost always)…you can just download them again to a new device.

      You can set up parental controls on the grandson’s device so he doesn’t see what she gets…but she’ll still be able to see what he gets (which makes sense, since her payment method is paying for it).

      If you have your own account, you’ll deregister the device from hers (although it sounds like it may not be registered at all yet?) and register it to yourself.

      I can probably give you step by steps if you let me know if you have your own account to which it can be registered.

  74. Mary Anne Says:

    I registered my new kindle as my old one drowned. I’m pretty sure I could use my old one while on the road without wifi. This new doesn’t 😩😩.
    Am I sol or am I doing something wrong?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Anne!

      Do you know what model you bought? If it’s a current Kindle, the choice will have been with wi-fi only or with wi-fi and cellular…the latter costs more, but would do what you want.

      It’s quite possible you can exchange your new Kindle…if you bought it from Amazon and you are within a short enough time.

      You can also use any Kindle without a wireless connection…if you already downloaded the book, for example.

  75. James Says:

    How do i get all my apps from one kindle to another (my new kindle as a gift)???

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, James!

      It depends a bit on which Kindle you had and what the new one is. Could you tell me which models they are?

      Oh, and it would also depend on where you got the apps…were they from Amazon?

  76. Susan Says:

    If I download books to my new Kindle Paperwhite, not purchased through Amazon, will they be deleted from the device if/when I connect to my Amazon account?
    Is there a way to hide (or otherwise not show) my archived items and/or “wish lists” on the home page (on the new Paperwhite) if/when I do register the device (when not connected to the internet)?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Susan!

      Sorry, but were the books not purchased from Amazon or is it the Paperwhite which wasn’t purchased from Amazon?

      • Susan Says:

        Books not purchased through Amazon. Sorry.

      • Bufo Calvin Says:

        Thanks for writing, Susan!

        Non-Amazon books on your device should be fine when you register the device with Amazon. If you want to copy the files, you should be able to do that with the USB connection. However, they may only work on that device.

      • Bob Duncan Says:

        I have many eBooks not from Amazon on my kindle and they have never been deleted by Amazon, however they will not be found in your Amazon library of books with those you got from Amazon!

  77. Lisa Says:

    I have an old kindle, one of the first ones. Now, I just bought a kindle paper white. I have registered my new kindle with my info from my old kindle. When I deregister my info and register as a friends account to download a book, their book will download, but it will not show up on my account when I re register back into my account. In fact, my own books have to be redownloaded. What am I doing wrong?

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Lisa!

      The behavior you are describing is what would be expected; it doesn’t sound like you are doing anything mechanically wrong. It might just be the expectation you have of what should happen.

      Let’s start out with the basics:

      Generally, with a book under copyright, people who want to read it pay something to the publisher (who has, in many cases, licensed the right to sell it from the rightsholder, who is most often the author…increasingly, authors also act as publishers). For a paperbook (p-book), you pay for a copy of it. For an e-book, you pay for the license to read it on your account.

      Your Kindle can only be registered to one account at a time (that’s why you are having to deregister to access your friend’s account). Your friend has paid for access to read that book on that account. Devices registered to that account can read it.

      Let’s think about your Kindle as your residential address. There are two cities, each with their own public libraries (paid for by their citizens’ taxes)…we’ll call them Lisaville and Paltown. 😉

      You normally live in Lisaville, and that’s your residential address. That means you can read all the books in the Lisaville library.

      You go to Paltown, and want to read a book from that library. They check your ID, and your address is for Lisaville, so apologietically, they have to decline you reading the book.

      You get your official address changed to Paltown so you can read the book. That takes some work; you have to go to the government and make a legal statement that you’ve moved (Amazon is the equivalent of the government here).

      Once you’ve changed your address, you can access the books from Paltown.

      However, you go back to Lisaville and want to borrow a book there…but now your address has changed and you can’t borrow those!

      You have to pick a city…or in the case of the Kindle books, an account. That’s true for each device…you could have your old device registered in “Lisaville” and your new device registered to “Paltown”.

      Another thing I’d say: you don’t need to redownload the books from your account when you re-register…unless you want to read them. I only keep a few books actually on my device, usually. The rest are in my account (the Cloud), and I can download those when I want to read them.

      If the license your friend bought included the right to loan a book, that’s a (very limited) possibility. I think the article on which you commented was originally published about 7 years ago…in 2014, I added a note to the top with a link to information on a Household account: if you and your friend both live in the same household, let me know and I can explain that more.

      Hope that helps! Let me know if you have more questions on it.

  78. Elvin Says:

    sent mail please check

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