June 2015 Kindle book releases

June 2015 Kindle book releases

While I don’t generally pre-order Kindle store books myself, I know many of you do.

I understand the fun of just having the book show up, but I figure I’ll order when I want it…since I could have it within a minute, usually.…

However, it’s worth noting that pre-ordering at a low price will tend to preserve that price. Back when the Agency Model was solidly in place, Amazon couldn’t guarantee that books sold by the publishers using that structure wouldn’t go up in price after you pre-ordered them. It wasn’t likely, it was just that Amazon couldn’t control it. We have started to return to the Agency Model, but Amazon is allowed to discount in some circumstances.

These aren’t necessarily the most popular of the pre-orders…I’m just going to list ones that catch my eye. Since we might not agree on that, here’s a link to the 5,519 (at time of writing) June releases in the USA Kindle store:

June 2015 USA Kindle store releases (at AmazonSmile: benefit a non-profit of your choice by shopping*)

Of those, by the way, 858 are in

Kindle Unlimited (at AmazonSmile: benefit a non-profit of your choice by shopping*)

about 16% (a bit lower than last month).

As usual, I won’t be deliberately linking to books which block text-to-speech access blocked**.

One interesting thing before I get into some individual titles: the first four (sorted by new and popular) are the

Kindle First (at AmazonSmile)

picks for this month!

Since Prime members can already be reading one of these (even though they aren’t officially released until April) at no additional cost, you can see how that would drive up their popularity as compared to actual pre-orders. The top four being Kindle First was also true the last time I did one of these.

The other thing is that some of those Kindle Unlimited titles are way up on the list. I’m concerned (and I’ve alerted Amazon about it) that people are confused: they think they are pre-ordering a KU borrow, when they are actually pre-ordering a purchase. In other words, they may be thinking they’ll get the book at no additional cost, and actually be charged for it. Amazon has confirmed for me: you can not pre-order a borrow from KU.


  • The Master Magician (The Paper Magician Series Book 3) by Charlie N. Holmberg
  • Manhattan Mayhem: New Crime Stories from Mystery Writers of America by Mary Higgins Clark and Lee Child
  • Connect: The Secret LinkedIn Playbook To Generate Leads, Build Relationships, And Dramatically Increase Your Sales by Josh Turner
  • Dirty Boys of Summer: Alphas, Billionaires, Bikers, and Jocks by Gennifer Albin and Evangeline Anderson (keep your eye open for this sort of thing…more than ten books in an omnibus for ninety-nine cents. I’m seeing more than just this one)
  • Tom Clancy Under Fire (A Jack Ryan Jr. Novel) by Grant Blackwood
  • In Plain Sight (Sisterhood) by Fern Michaels
  • Finders Keepers: A Novel by Stephen King
  • Adios, America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World H*llhole by Ann Coulter
  • The Dalai Lama’s Cat and the Power of Meow by David Michie
  • Isn’t That Rich?: Life Among the 1 Percent by Richard Kirshenbaum and Michael Gross
  • Some Were In Time: Shift Happens Book Two by Robyn Peterman
  • Target Israel by Tim LaHaye and Ed Hindson
  • The Phantom Bully (Star Wars: Jedi Academy #3) by Jeffrey Brown
  • Downton Tabby (The Pampered Pets Series) by Sparkle Abbey
  • The Prince of Minor Writers: The Selected Essays of Max Beerbohm by Max Beerbohm and Phillip Lopate
  • No Sweat: How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a Lifetime of Fitness by Michelle Segar
  • The Gentle Art of Murder: Dorothy Martin investigates (A Dorothy Martin Mystery) by Jeanne M. Dams
  • The Cost of Courage by Charles Kaiser
  • Ghost Fleet: A Novel of the Next World War by P. W. Singer and August Cole
  • The Paranormal Conspiracy: The Truth about Ghosts, Aliens, Mysterious Beings and the Deepest Longings of Your…by Timothy J. Dailey
  • Jewels of Allah: The Untold Story of Women in Iran by Nina Ansary
  • Margery Allingham’s Mr Campion’s Fox: A brand-new Albert Campion mystery written by Mike Ripley by Mike Ripley
  • The English Spy by Daniel Silva
  • Midnight’s Furies: The Deadly Legacy of India’s Partition by Nisid Hajari
  • The Great Detective: The Amazing Rise and Immortal Life of Sherlock Holmes by Zach Dundas
  • The Deeper Genome: Why there is more to the human genome than meets the eye by John Parrington
  • Down the Rabbit Hole: Curious Adventures and Cautionary Tales of a Former Playboy Bunny by Holly Madison
  • A Stolen Childhood: A dark past, a terrible secret, a girl without a future by Casey Watson
  • Storm and Steel (The Book of the Black Earth) by Jon Sprunk
  • Anger: Taming a Powerful Emotion by Gary D Chapman
  • Blood Sisters (Katie Maguire) by Graham Masterton
  • Sisters of the Revolution: A Feminist Speculative Fiction Anthology by Ann VanderMeer and Jeff VanderMeer
  • Language Arts by Stephanie Kallos

Well, again…quite the mix!

June 1st also marks the publication of one of my siblings’ first novel:

One Murder More (at AmazonSmile: benefit a non-profit of your choice by shopping*)

Fascinating to watch how it’s doing as we get within ten days! Reviews from “regular readers” (as opposed to well-known authors and such) have started to show up at Amazon. Those will be from people who were part of the crowd sourcing campaign, who got the book pre-release. We were talking about it yesterday, and I mentioned that I don’t think I can fairly review it (given the relationship). Oh, I think I’d do okay at separating myself, but I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to do it. 🙂


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* I am linking to the same thing at the regular Amazon site, and at AmazonSmile. When you shop at AmazonSmile, half a percent of your purchase price on eligible items goes to a non-profit you choose. It will feel just like shopping at Amazon: you’ll be using your same account. The one thing for you that is different is that you pick a non-profit the first time you go (which you can change whenever you want)…and the good feeling you’ll get. :) Shop ’til you help! :) 

This post by Bufo Calvin originally appeared in the I Love My Kindle blog. To support this or other blogs/organizations, buy  Amazon Gift Cards from a link on the site, then use those to buy your items. There will be no cost to you, and a benefit to them.

4 Responses to “June 2015 Kindle book releases”

  1. Lady Galaxy Says:

    This isn’t a jury trial, it’s a book review;)

    If Julianne Hough can judge her brother and cousin on a national dancing competition, I think it’s OK for you to write a review of your sibling’s book.

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Lady!

      I appreciate that opinion. 🙂 I wasn’t saying it would be illegal, just that it wouldn’t be appropriate. That’s not just for the impact on my readers, but for the impact on my family. 🙂

      Personally, I’m not sure it’s appropriate for Julianne Hough to judge Derek…but that’s not my call.

  2. Phyllis Jeanne Caron-Valeriano (age 76) Says:

    I have been following you for about 4 years now and recommend you to everyone with whom I discuss eBooks. In regards to libraries, I would appreciate it if you would write an article on Bibliomation and Overdrive. A lot of folks do not know it exists. Last I heard we have 69 Connecticut libraries using it.

    Also here in Connecticut, our librarians are very upset over the possibility of our Governor Malloy cutting funds for services they now provide.

    Lady Galaxy is correct in saying it is O.K. for you to write a review about your sibling’s book.. I plan to buy it as soon as my Social Security check comes in June.

    • Bufo Calvin Says:

      Thanks for writing, Phyllis!

      Let me look into Bibliomation. I’ve written about Overdrive before, but I don’t know enough about Bibliomation. I’ll also look into Governor Malloy’s plans…thanks for the heads-up! I’ve always said that it if was a choice between closing schools, and closing libraries (with literacy programs in them), I would close the schools. I don’t want to close either! However, if it’s “free range reading” versus structured instruction, I lean towards free range reading.

      I’ll be interested in your opinion of my sibling’s book!

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