Archive for the ‘Kindle Reading Fund’ Category

Amazon launches the Kindle Reading Fund

August 25, 2016

Amazon launches the Kindle Reading Fund

I’ve written several times in the blog about, an organization that uses Kindles to bring books to children in parts of the world where transporting bulky paperbooks is effectively impractical.

I’ve also suggested  that Amazon could set up a way to give Kindles to kids…and  I have, with the guidance of my readers, done that myself:

Give a Kid a Kindle

As you can imagine, then, I was very pleased to see in Amazon’s blog yesterday that they have started the Kindle Reading Fund:

blog post by Dave Limp

This is a multi-pronged effort, which in part centralizes community literacy support that Amazon has done in the past.

The KRF will include

  • A new partnership with
  • Donations to local schools and libraries
  • Donations to hospitals and non-profits
  • Work with the National PTA

I commend Amazon on these efforts!

I also recommend the video (featuring David Risher, CEO…Chief Executive Officer…of Worldreader) embedded in the blog post: I like the description of books as at first a “mirror”, where we look for ourselves to be reflected, and then later as a “window”, where we see the lives of others. It’s a succinct two minutes (slightly under) explaining what Worldreader does, and why.

There is a new

Kindle Reading Fund page

I went there expecting to be able to donate to the effort…but instead, there was a button to request a donation from Amazon (for a school, for instance).

This page also features Amazon’s other community efforts, and there are many, from disaster relief to the Amazon Literary Partnership (which offers grants to publishers and author group) to pro bono legal services.

Thank you, Amazon, for the good you are doing in the world, especially through spreading the power of books!

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